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5 lauréats pour l’appel de projets | Je choisis le boulevard Saint-Laurent

PME MTL Centre-Ville, in collaboration with the Société de développement du boulevard Saint-Laurent (SDBSL), announces the winners of the Je choisis le boulevard Saint-Laurent call for projects. Five grants ranging from $11,000 to $25,000, for a total of $82,000, have been awarded thanks to the support of the City of Montreal to recognise innovative and original entrepreneurial projects that contribute to the revitalization of the boulevard between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue.

A call for projects to stimulate commercial entrepreneurship

The Je choisis le boulevard Saint-Laurent call for projects was aimed both at new entrepreneurs wishing to establish themselves on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, and at existing businesses wishing to diversify their commercial offer. It encouraged innovative commercial projects that stood out for their originality, reliability and relevance to the needs of local residents, students and workers.

This is a fabulous opportunity to encourage the next generation of entrepreneurs and to support our members already present on the boulevard. Every day, the Main shines brighter and richer thanks to the merchants who rely on this major street to establish and grow their businesses.

Tasha Morizio, General Manager of the SDBSL. 

Support for local economic development

This call for projects aligns with PME MTL Centre-Ville's vision of supporting local economic development, a core aspect of its service offering. The active participation of entrepreneurs is essential to Montreal's dynamism, enriching communities with their abundant energy and capacity for innovation. Merchants' commitment to neighborhood development contributes to the city's local and international reputation. Local businesses play a crucial role in bringing vitality to neighborhoods, helping to make Montreal the vibrant city it is today.

We have sparked the interest of five new or existing businesses to propose a high-quality, innovative, and sustainable commercial offering, thereby contributing to diversifying the boulevard’s offer.

Gilbert Samaha, General Manager at PME MTL Centre-Ville

The five winning businesses

Café Miracolo ($25,000) | 3891 Saint-Laurent Boulevard  | Start-up

Café Miracolo offers a varied, high-quality Italian dining experience in an eclectic, artistic decor designed to provide a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Photo : Gilbert Samaha (General Manager of PME MTL Centre-Ville), Jennifer Manlagnit (Project Manager - Commercial Entrepreneurship at PME MTL Centre-Ville), Marie Plourde (borough councilor of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal), Richard Holder, David Barter and Alejandro Vega (founders of Café Miracolo), Tasha Morizio (General Manager of the SDBSL) and Denis Collerette (economic development commissioner of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal).

L’étoile (avec Pizza Bouquet) ($17,000) |4671 Saint-Laurent Boulevard | Growth

This second Pizza Bouquet restaurant will cook up its famous New York-style pizzas and offer a pleasant setting, a safe space for LGBTQI2S+, fostering community values and creativity.

Photo : Sony Cody, David Evans, Isobel Walker, André Thériault and Nikkolas Hancock (founders of the Étoile).

Espace Skins ($15,000) | 4638 Saint-Laurent Boulevard  | Growth

Espace Skins is a medical-aesthetic clinic distinguished by its use of cutting-edge technologies and its commitment to sustainable development. It offers a complete range of treatments and products for the face and body.

Photo : Eve Hudon (founder of Espace Skins).

Galerie Eli Kerr ($14,000) | 4647 Saint-Laurent Boulevard  | Start-up

Galerie Eli Kerr specializes in the presentation, promotion and sale of contemporary art to private collectors, corporate collections and local and international museums. The general public can also discover a dynamic space for artistic exchange and discovery.

Photo : Denis Collerette (economic development commissioner of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal), Tasha Morizio (General Manager of the SDBSL), Frédéric Gagnon et Eli Kerr (founders of Galerie Eli Kerr), Gilbert Samaha (General Manager of PME MTL Centre-Ville), Marie Plourde (borough councilor of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal) et Jennifer Manlagnit (Project Manager - Commercial Entrepreneurship at PME MTL Centre-Ville).

Marché Frenco ($11,000) |4072 Saint-Laurent Boulevard | Start-up

With over 40 years of expertise, Marché Frenco's reputation is well established. In addition to its range of bulk food and household products, it offers a coffee counter and a brand-new in-house snack service.

Photo : Sarah Legris (founder of Marché Frenco).

Photos : Caroline Perron


630, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

Bureau 700

Montréal, Québec, H3A 1E4

514 879-0555
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