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PME MTL Ouest-de-l'Île granted nearly $12,7 million to West-Island businesses

2020 was a year like no other. A year during which we had to consistently “reinventing ourselves”. As of last March, the significant economic consequences that the pandemic had on our SMEs made our mission more relevant than ever.

2020 Results

  • $2,7M in disbursed loans 
  • $287,188 in disbursed grants 
  • 27 financed projects
  • 585 supported businesses
  • 222 jobs created or maintained
  • $13,7M in economic spinoffs

Financing Breakdown

Emergency Funds

In the context of the COVID-19 pan-demic, the governments of Canada and Québec have worked with the City of Montreal to support busi-nesses in the metropolis.

$12,7 M in emergency loans and subsidies granted to Ouest-de-l'Île businesses.

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

Emergency financial assistance of up to $40,000

$2,1M granted

60 businesses in all sectors combined

Emergency Assistance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (PAUPME)

Emergency assistance of up to $50,000 and loan forgiveness of up to 80% under the Assistance for Businesses in Regions Under Maximum Alert program (AERAM)

$7,4M granted

176 businesses received emergency assistance

Retail businesses consolidation due to COVID-19 program(FCAC)

A non-repayable contribution up to a maximum of $10,000.

$214 100 granted

26 businesses used this grant to carry out a business project for the consolidation or resumption of their activities176projects received emergency assistanceof the businesses are in the accommodation and food services sector40%granted


1675, Transcanadienne

Bureau 301

Dorval, Québec, H9P 1J1

514 426-2888
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