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Fonds d'Investissement innovation

PME MTL offers a wide range of financing options to encourage business development. This innovation support fund aims to finance innovative projects that have an impact on the Montreal area. 

The Fonds d'Investissement innovation loan can be combined with the Fonds PME MTL, up to a maximum of $450,000.

Financial Assistance

This fund offers a loan of up to $150,000, which may not exceed 80% of the total cost of the business project.

An investment fund that supports innovations

The loan can be used to finance the following projects:

  • Testing and trial of innovations in real context
  • Validation of target markets when developing the innovation
  • Market launch
  • Generating the first sales of the innovation
  • Protecting an innovation through intellectual property rights
  • Supporting efforts to develop new markets or export an innovation

Eligibility conditions

To qualify for a loan or subsidy from our Fonds Commercialisation des innovations, the business or its promoters must meet the following criteria:

  • Have Canadian citizenship, be a permanent resident or hold a Quebec selection certificate (CSQ)
  • Be legally incorporated and registered in the Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ)
  • Have a Montréal-based address, and have a head office in the province of Quebec
  • Present a business plan or executive summary
  • Present financial forecasts covering at least two full financial years
  • Present a compilation of financial statements for the last two completed financial years (or the first financial year for companies less than two years old)
  • Provide a minimum down payment of 20% of the total cost for a pre-startup business, and at least 15% of the total project cost for a start-up or growing business for a loan and 20% when applying for a subsidy

Eligible expenses

Only expenses related to the business project are eligible.

Each application is reviewed by the Joint Investment Committee (JIC) of the center involved, who will establish the qualification of the entrepreneur and the project against the objectives and requirements of the Fund's policy.

If you need more information about our Fonds Commercialisation des innovations, please contact your service center.

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1675, Transcanadienne

Bureau 301

Dorval, Québec, H9P 1J1

514 426-2888
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