A word from the Chairman of the Board and the Executive Director
We are proud to present PME MTL Centre-Ouest’s 2021 annual report. Living through a second year of the pandemic was not easy, but we were able to count on a work team that was involved and eager to provide tangible assistance to entrepreneurs in our territory who had to navigate troubled waters more than once. More than 900 companies benefited from the support of our team over the past year. Without the commitment of all our employees, it would not have been possible to achieve these results, a point worth emphasizing.
Jean-François Harel, Chairman of the Board
Marc-André Perron, Executive Director, PME MTL Centre-Ouest
Profile of PME MTL Centre-Ouest
1Ahuntsic-Cartierville |2Saint-Laurent |3Mont-Royal |4Côte Saint-Luc |5Hampstead |6Montréal-Ouest
Strategically located
- 11,590 businesses
- 32% of Montréal’s manufacturing jobs
- 36% of Montréal’s wholesaling jobs
- 2ndlargest concentration of jobs on the island of Montréal
- Development of e-commerce
- Growing hub for urban agriculture businesses
2021 Results
Businesses supported
Businesses financed
Total disbursed in 2021
In subsidies
+ 5413
Financed projects
In loans
Jobs createdand maintained
Financing breakdown
In 2021, PME MTL Centre-Ouest authorized $4,948,885 and disbursed $4,623,673 in loans and subsidies, to 74 businesses.

in loans and subsidies disbursed

Financed businesses
“Financing from PME MTL Centre-Ouest enabled us to consolidate nearly 10 jobs created in the past year.”
Librairie O-Taku
View the list of all businesses Financed in 2021 →

Entrepreneurs affected by the pandemic
For a second consecutive year, entrepreneurs had to cope with the vagaries of the pandemic. They showed resilience in a context where the resumption of activities has been uncertain at times.PME MTL has always worked towards the same goal:sup-porting Montréal’s entrepreneurs.
5,4 M$
In emergency loans and subsidies granted by PME MTL Centre-Ouest
1 157
Businesses received emergency assistance

District e-commerce | $150,000 in awards and grants
For the first time since its creation, PME MTL Centre-Ouest teamed up with major partners to promote e-commerce on its territory:SDC District Central, Desjardins, Cascades, Shopify, Canada Post & Clickspace, in addition to several local businesses in the territory.
View the 3 winning businesses →
View the link of the 2ndedition of the contest →
Gouin Ouest | $45 000 divided into 5 projects
For this new edition of the contest, the rules were changed in order to respond to the reality of businesses already established on the commercial boulevard. Merchants were thus able to submit projects to enhance and/or diversify their service offerings.
View the list of the 5 funded projects →
Techpreneur contest
For this first edition of the TechPreneur contest, Technoparc Montréal and PME MTL Centre-Ouest partnered with the Ville de Montréal, Desjardins, the Centre d’Expertise Industrielle de Montréal (CEI MTL) and the Réseau Mentorat Montréal, to offer the winning company a $30,000 grant as well as many benefits including access to digital transformation training, the opportunity to present its products in the CEI MTL technological showcase, and mentoring.
View the 2 winning businesses →
Below, the District Central neighborhood.

Technoparc Montréal
The Technoparc Montréal is a unique place in Montréal, one of the largest science and technology parks in the country, where more than a hundred innovative companies are advancing Québec R&D. Supporting the development of these companies, building connections–in a word: bringing this territory to life–is necessary, especially in a context of recovery, so that the Technoparc Montréal continues to be this dynamic space that generates growth and wealth.
Learn more about the Technoparc Montréal →

Job placement service
In partnership with Emploi-Québec, PME MTL Centre-Ouest offers a free coaching service for job seekers and puts them in touch with companies looking to hire talented individuals. To this end, we support companies in their recruiting efforts by finding and introducing them to the best talent available, free of charge.
Number of coached candidates who found a job
Number of persons coachedfor a new job
Number of partner businesses