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2023 | Highlights

Annual Report PME MTL Centre-Ouest

Table des matières

  1. Introduction →
  2. Portrait of PME MTL Centre-Ouest →
  3. 2023 Results →
  4. Financed Companies →
  5. Local Development →
  6. eLog Network Services →
  7. Network Services | Market Development Outside Quebec →
  8. Network Services | Bio-food →
  9. Activities and Events →
  10. Placement and Recruitment Service →
  11. Download PDF Version →
Picture: Hampstead

A word from the
Chairman of the Board
and the Executive Director

We are proud to present our 2023 annual report. The Centre-Ouest territory has witnessed the birth and growth of many great projects over the past year, despite an uncertain
economic climate, reflecting the exceptional resilience and
adaptability of our entrepreneurs. They remain the driving force behind the economy and our communities, paving the way for a promising future of opportunities.

Over the past year, our financing tools and support services
have actively supported the social and economic development of our region. More than 800 businesses have benefited from our team’s support and guidance, and a total of $5.43 million in loans and grants has been granted.

Read the word in full →

Jean-François Harel, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Marc-André Perron, Executive director, PME MTL Centre-Ouest

Profile of PME MTL Centre-Ouest

1 Ahuntsic-Cartierville | 2 Saint-Laurent | 3 Mont-Royal | 4 Côte Saint-Luc | 5 Hampstead | 6 Montréal-Ouest


PME MTL Centre-Ouest is one of the six service hubs of PME MTL, the Ville de Montréal’s business support network whose mission is to offer a range of professional services accessible to private and social economy entrepreneurs on the island of Montréal. Leading players in supporting the start-up and growth of SMEs, PME MTL’s experts assist entrepreneurs with
management advice and financing. 

Quelques atouts du territoire Centre-Ouest

  • 11,590 businesses
  • 32% of Montréal’s manufacturing jobs
  • 36% of Montréal’s wholesaling jobs
  • 2nd largest concentration of jobs on the island of Montréal
  • Development of e-commerce
  • Growing hub for urban agriculture businesses

Results 2023


Number of bussinesses supported


Number of businesses financed


In subsidies

+ 5413


$5,43 M



In loans


Jobs created

Financing breakdown

In 2023, PME MTL Centre-Ouest authorized $5,434,842 for 59 businesses and disbursed $4,041,766 to 49 businesses. 

CO_REPARTITION_2023_ENG_2.png (52 KB)

See more details →

Financed businesses

"For us, PME MTL are friends and allies. The team is always there to give us a helping hand, whether it’s by helping us find financial support or by offering us great visibility opportunities."

Naim Bellemare


See the list of financed businesses →

Picture: Avironex

Local development

Pilot project: zero-waste commercial artery

In line with PME MTL Centre-Ouest’s new mission, the goal of this pilot project was to test the interest and mobilization of Fleury Street businesses in reducing their collective ecological footprint and optimizing their activities.

Learn more about the project →

Call for projects Ton Commerce à Youville

In June 2023, PME MTL Centre-Ouest launched a call for
projects in collaboration with the borough of Ahuntsic-
Cartierville and the Association Commerciale et Citoyenne de Youville. The objective of this call for projects was to revitalize the commercial artery of rue Lajeunesse by attracting local businesses that meet the needs of Youville residents.

See the list of financed businesses →

Picture: Musée des métiers d'art du Québec

Network Services | eLog

The eLog team supports e-commerce businesses in all aspects of logistics. Since 2022, eLog has been available to all Quebec companies, thanks to the support of the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie. In 2023, eLog had supported 86 companies and raised awareness of its services among 707.

Learn more about eLog →

Picture: Tournée Logistique eLog

Network Services | Development
of markets outside Quebec

Our team of experts supports private and not-for-profit
companies in their market development projects outside Quebec, whether they are consolidating or opening up new markets.

More information →

Picture: Technoparc Montréal

Network Services | Biofood

Our experts support private and not-for-profit companies in commercializing their biofood projects. In 2023, the team supported 91 companies.

Discover our services →

Picture: Fermes Lufa

Activities and events

Rendez-Vous Innovation Logistique

The second edition of PME MTL's Rendez-Vous Innovation on May 2 focused on the theme of logistics. Organized by eLog, Innovation Canada and Deloitte, the event brought together over 60 companies at Deloitte's Intelligent Factory @ Montreal to discuss supply chain automation, the use of artificial intelligence and relocation.

Learn more about the event →

Salon HOP

In October 2023, the market development team outside Quebec teamed up with the e-commerce logistics team to develop a conference at Salon HOP on a common theme: from internal operations to exports, being on all fronts for success.


The Midi-Affaires, launched in October 2023, aim to advise and equip companies in matters of development. Every first Wednesday of the month, a hybrid workshop is held on a specific human resources topic.

Picture: Salon HOP

Job Placement Service

In partnership with Emploi-Québec, PME MTL Centre-Ouest offers a free coaching service for job seekers and puts them in touch with companies looking for new talent. To fulfill this mandate, we support companies in their recruitment eff orts, free of charge, by finding and introducing them to the best talent available.


Number of candidates supported who found a job


Number of people helped into new jobs


Picture: Service Placement Emploi - PME MTL Centre-Ouest

Download the PDF →


1350, rue Mazurette

Bureau 400

Montréal, Québec, H4N 1H2

514 858-1018
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