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Financing Your Business

“Be strategic in choosing your financial partners”

Obtaining financial assistance will help you get your business started more quickly, and also act as leverage for obtaining other sources of financing.

The investment funds managed by PME MTL encourage entrepreneurial initiative and provide support for start-ups, to:

  • Create and support viable businesses
  • Finance business start-ups, expansion, acquisition and consolidation
  • Accelerate job development
  • Contribute to Montréal’s economic development 


PME MTL investment funds

  • Fonds PME MTL and Fonds locaux de solidarité Montréal (FLS Montréal) (local investment fund)
  • Fonds de développement de l’économie sociale (FDÉS) (social economy development fund)
  • Fonds Jeunes Entreprises (young business fund)
  • CréAvenir
  • Jeunes entreprises collectives

See Financing provided by PME MTL


7305, boulevard Henri-Bourassa Est

Bureau 200

Montréal, Québec, H1E 2Z6

514 494-2606
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