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PME MTL Centre-Est
Coaching and financing for entrepreneurs

Starting a business requires a good deal of audacity, tenacity, and preparation. An aspiring entrepreneur must get involved in all spheres of his project. However, since no one is an expert in all areas, it is important to surround yourself with the right people; this is where the PME MTL experts come in.

Whether it is to guide you during the exploratory phase, to validate your business plan, to find tools and resources to meet your specific needs, or to refine your financing package, our experts will support you during the start-up phase of your business and help you face the challenges of entrepreneurship.

PME MTL supports start-ups in all sectors of activity. Our experts support the development of business competitiveness, whether for profit or social economy, and encourage the adoption of better business practices.

Our support service offered to business start-ups

We offer a wide range of services to help Montréal entrepreneurs start their business. Every business is unique. That is why we are proud to offer personalized support which is adapted to your specific needs and realities.

Here are some of the key elements of our support service dedicated to start-ups:

  • Information workshops to guide you through various steps
  • Introduction to partners or specialized organizations that can help you with the preparation of your project and your business plan
  • Online tips and resources (business plan templates, financial forecasts, market research, etc.)
  • Validation of your business project
  • Optimization of your business plan or marketing plan
  • Analysis of your market study and your financial projections
  • Support during the financing package
  • Identification of various funding opportunities for your project
  • Support with staff recruitment

Our company specializes in supporting and financing business, and our experts are able to help you get started on a solid foundation. We also offer many other related services for entrepreneurs.

Specialized resources

In order to offer personalized support, PME MTL has specialized resources in several sectors:


Financing Your Business

“Be strategic in choosing your financial partners”

Obtaining financial assistance will help you get your business started more quickly, and also act as leverage for obtaining other sources of financing.

The investment funds managed by PME MTL encourage entrepreneurial initiative and provide support for start-ups, to:

  • Create and support viable businesses
  • Finance business start-ups, expansion, acquisition and consolidation
  • Accelerate job development
  • Contribute to Montréal’s economic development 


PME MTL investment funds

  • Fonds PME MTL and Fonds locaux de solidarité Montréal (FLS Montréal) (local investment fund)
  • Fonds de développement de l’économie sociale (FDÉS) (social economy development fund)
  • Fonds Jeunes Entreprises (young business fund)
  • CréAvenir
  • Jeunes entreprises collectives

See Financing provided by PME MTL

Established company owners must ensure the growth of their business, improve their competitiveness, and implement innovative business strategies. PME MTL assists small and medium-sized businesses that are already established, in all sectors of activity. Our experts support the development of business competitiveness, whether for profit or social economy, and encourage the adoption of better business practices.

Our focus is to help you achieve the growth objectives of your business. With the support of a PME MTL expert, you will also be joining a vast network of local businesses.

Support offered for business growth

Our experts are here to help. You will receive services that are adapted to your business objectives. Here are the key elements that constitute our business growth support service:

  • Analysis of your growth needs and consulting services for your development project
  • Validation of the financing package and capital structure
  • Support in the search for financing
  • Support in marketing and export
  • Support with staff recruitment
  • Securing partners who will support your growth projects

At PME MTL, we specialize in supporting business owners by helping them reach sustainable growth objectives, while also offering other related services such as mentoring and financing.

Specialized resources

In order to offer a more personalized support service, PME MTL has specialized resources in several sectors:

A business transfer is not a decision that can be taken lightly. The transferor, as well as the buyer, each have their share of responsibility to ensure a proper transfer. The buyer must also be ready and equipped to ensure the continuity of the business project.

The sale and purchase of businesses have become quite common. This is an excellent option for a business owner without a succession plan, as well as for young entrepreneurs who want to get into business with an established company. The transfer of a business has many advantages, but still requires a good amount of preparation from both the transferor and the buyer to ensure the sustainability of the company.

Knowing that this type of change requires taking significant decisions, the experts at PME MTL support and guide the parties involved in their business transfer procedures. We are proud to offer a personalized transfer support service adapted to the needs of businesses and buyers.

Our business transfer support service

Whether you are a business owner without a succession plan, or an entrepreneur interested in acquiring an existing business, our coaching service will guide you every step of the way.

Here are some of the key elements of our business transfer support service:

  • Analysis of the progress and direction of your business transfer project
  • Support in entrepreneurial succession planning
  • Identification of potential financial partners
  • Reference to specialized, competent, and experienced resources
  • Support with hiring new personnel

Our support service ensures clarity and simplicity throughout your business transfer procedures. Our experts will assist you in making this change happen as easily as possible. We also invite you to discover our many other financing methods. PME MTL is here to help you with your business project.

Most of the services offered by PME MTL are free.

If you have more questions, or you need more information about our transfer support service, contact your service center.


6224, rue Saint-Hubert

Montréal, Québec, H2S 2M2

514 723-0030
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