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Job Search Support

Find your next job thanks to PME MTL's professional job placement service. Finding a new job can cause a lot of stress and be quite difficult in competitive markets. Calling on the help of our experts allows you to free yourself from this pressure and take advantage of the best job offers available.

Our job placement service experts accompany Montréalers to develop a winning strategy to find a job. If you are currently looking for a job, PME MTL can put you in touch with the employers in your network. We are delighted to put our expertise at your disposal through our job placement service.

Get help in your job search process

You have taken steps to find a new job and your efforts so far are inconclusive? Don't give up. There are solutions for you. Feel free to contact your PME MTL job placement experts if you would like to:

  • Get feedback on your applications
  • Know how to answer the question "Tell me about yourself"
  • Talking with employers to find out what they are really looking for in a candidate
  • Have a clearly defined job goal
  • Explore other job areas
  • Take full advantage of LinkedIn

These are all key elements in finding a job, as much for international recruitment as for local. The experts of our job placement service are happy to guide you. Discover the best methods to catch the employers' eye and find your dream job.

The benefits of our job placement service

The current job market is very favourable to hiring. However, lack of self-confidence, market knowledge, or lack of a network of contacts reduces access to the labour market for people looking for work. Find out how the PME MTL job placement service experts can help you. Here are some of the key elements of our job placement service. Thanks to us, you will learn to:

  • Better target jobs
  • Perform better during interviews
  • Expand your network of business contacts and employers
  • Exploit LinkedIn
  • Optimize your resume
  • Be part of a bank of candidates for employers

Some criteria apply to benefit from the job placement service. To find out more about these criteria and to receive more information, contact your service center.

Get started!

Service offered thanks to
funding from Emploi-Québec.

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